Every Christmas, the (rug) hookers I hang out with have a themed gift exchange. As we are about to break group for the summer, we have discussion (that would be the polite term!) about what to do this year. This past year we submitted a word that resonated to each of us, then there was Read the rest
Hand Hooked chenille rug by Zola Dore
This fun rug was hooked with acrylic chenille yarn on burlap to withstand the wear and tear of an 11 year-old’s bedroom, and to be soft and warm on her feet when she got out of bed every day! If you are interested in getting a custom one done for your child, cost is approximately Read the rest
“Welcome Roses” by Zola Dore
Hand hooked rug adapted from an antique backing originally purchased from Eaton’s cataloge circa 1920-30’s. Using new and recycled wools, flowers done in #3 cut, background in #8. Not for sale
Fibre art flower pins and hair clips
Bring on Spring with these whimsical hooked flower pins. Attach to a coat, hat or purse to brighten your day. Made from wool fabrics and roving on a felt covered burlap backing.